Friday, January 27, 2012

The Express Train - Passenger Train Phenonmenon

“Malayali has to think fast in order to go ahead in this world. For that, he must have faster transport system. Only when Malayali starts travelling fast, can he think fast”  

These are the words of Mr.Sam Pitroda, who has assumed the role of the mentor of Kerala State. Well, true to a great extent. The average mallu thinks and acts slowly in most of the things, while the world travels much ahead. The reason is the lethargic attitude of mallu in all things. (in malayalam , "SAAA" way) Hence, no fast movement and fast action.
I would say, this fast thinking and acting starts right from our kitchen. Consider the case of a mother who acts fast, thinks fast and organizes the daily household matters fast. I am sure, her son/daughter will also be smarter in their school.
Don’t agree? Just look around, spot as many families as you can. Zoom in to the personality and smartness of the mother of that family. It doesn’t matter whether she is a homemaker or a career woman. The focus is on the speed, energy and enthusiasm of the mother. I am sure you can easily correlate it with the nature of the kids. Now, in some cases, you can find distinct differences in the kids based on the nature of the father as well. However, the point is that the mother’s spirit actually reflects on the kid to a greater extent.
There are some mothers who keep complaining that they always have works in the kitchen. If you closely watch them, you will understand that they spend their time lavishly or in other words, they take more than double the time required for doing the same otherwise. For eg: the way  they wash the basins , the way they cut the vegetables, the way they clean and clear, sweeping, swapping, setting , resetting – all  takes double the time than what’s actually required. Hence, in the process, they are always tired.
But some mothers, the smarter ones, they always have the enthusiasm in doing things. They finish their work faster and use their remaining time for more creative activities. We also find that some of such mothers become better entrepreneurs in future. We find that such mothers are able to provide their children the right guidance too and instill in them the capability of fast thinking- the quality what Sam Pitroda wants in mallus.
Well, as I said before, this quality is independent of whether the mother is a homemaker or is a working woman. Because, I have also seen many working women, who fall in the first category of “slow thinkers”
As always, I have name for  this phenomenon -
“Express Train and Passenger Train Phenomenon”

Footnote: It is aspired that by 2030, an express train will be connecting Trivandrum to Kannur in just one and half hours. Such an express way, will obviously change the way mallus travel, function and conduct business. However, the first express train has to be built in the mindset of the coming generation! – Take care !

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