Sunday, January 20, 2019

Yes, I am a Feminist.

Yday, after my speech where I urged that the world needs more people who can proudly say that they are feminist, many girls came forward and spoke to me and said that they could relate to every sentence of what I spoke. However, one girl asked me this question ," Maam, I agree that we should be a feminist. But is it necessary to keep telling this? Doesn't this lead to the men staying away from us or lead to others being judgemental about us? Won't it lead to a negative perception about us? "  I didnt argue much with this young girl whose perception about feminism is distorted. But after i came back, I ruminated on this.

I have thought about this several times in my mind before proclaiming my stands on feminism. I read about feminism and why this is needed more than ever. I realised that there is nothing wrong in standing strong for what you believe is right. If a person can announce his / her religion / caste / political ideologies and all kinds of affiliations why not we say proudly that we are a feminist?

 I understand that feminism in current context is equated to activism  for some kind of political or  self centered propaganda.  But that is not the kind of feminism that I believe in. I believe in a feminism where a woman is considered as an individual with equal or more capabilities and her potentials in contributing to economical and social development of the nation is never undervalued. I believe in a feminism where the woman is considered as an individual with an active mind and dreams of her own and are not limited by stereotypical expectations or patriarchal notions. I believe in a feminism which values the feminine energy that is not just powerful enough to nurture but also  destroy the chains that bind her growth. I believe in a feminism which ensures equal participation of women in all walks of life and not just get limited to certain arenas. I believe in a feminism which provides ample opportunities for her to develop herself and to explore her hidden talents. I believe in a feminism which says to the next generation of girls and boys that "anything is possible for a girl !" 

And Yes, there by I am a Feminist and I proudly keep saying the same. Yes, i do know that this stand of mine could be "negative" for some people who cannot understand the above meaning of feminism.

#CeeVee #Feminism

Pic: My life is my message - Selfie with Gandhiji at Geneva.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

New Year - New Perspectives for Women in Workplace

India has been ranked 108th in World Economic Forum (WEF) gender gap index and also ranked 142nd out of 149 countries in the economic opportunity and participation subindex in 2018. 

As an Indian, what can you do to better this ? 
Well, what we need is not reservation for women in workplace but embracing a better support system. This new year, let us rethink our approaches towards women in workplace and thereby enable better statistics in the coming year. 

Firstly, women needs to change their perspectives about career. Most of the girls and young women end up choosing a career not out of their interest, but out of convenience or out of pressure from parents or peer. These wrong career choices end up uncomfortable for them later and many of them call it quits than trying to shift to a new career.  It is high time that girls are given proper career guidance and helped well to understand their capabilities . They also need to enhance their employability skills and strive towards continuous learning. 

Secondly, family has to provide the necessary support to women who aspire to work. Unfortunately , we still live in a patriarchal society where women are expected to handle the major role of home management. This prevents them to take active roles in career. There are still many parents who spend considerable amount of their life savings on marriage of their daughter but forget to provide her the right career direction. 

Thirdly, our society has to provide her with safe and a conducive ecosystem for her to work or startup. We also need to promote and glorify women leaders in business. 

All the above is easier said than done. It requires consistent efforts from individuals, organisations , the government and the society in general to enable this change. One of the key sustainable development goals of the 2030 is women's economic empowerment and it is high time India's half a billion population is rightly tapped to contribute to our economy. 

Let 2019 be an year for change , for empowerment and for the women ! 


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