The rising number of NEET - Young people Not in Employment, Education or Training is going to be the No: 1 social issue Kerala is facing now and will continue to face if we do not focus on skill development and an attitudinal shift towards all kinds of jobs. The problem is that, this kind of youth energy is currently being wasted for silly strikes or FB based movements or in political /religious matters , instead of being utilised for solving developmental problems!
I always wonder- When malayalis go outside Kerala, they work so well and become the pillars of growth for those places, why doesnt it happen in Kerala? For eg: Gulf countries, the USA, Europe and to a certain extent the metros of India. Why are the youth of Kerala lazy to work within Kerala ? Why dont we get candidates for marketing /sales /call centers/ plumbing/electric works/ housekeeping/ food service/cooking etc ? Why do we have to depend on North Indian workers for Kochi Metro , when the local mallus are sitting idle or attending political party meetings?
On a day to day basis , my company receives atleast 50 resumes from various candidates seeking jobs. But they all come with "conditions apply" demanding huge salary and perks and never asking about what they can give back to the employer or whether they are equipped to meet the work profile. Most of them have real high airs about themselves and they think, they are doing a favour to the employer by accepting the job offer. Most of the entrepreneurs whom I have met so far complain about only one thing - " Talent Crunch" . Some of them lament that they have decided to shift operations to some other country/ state , because of lack of skilled and committed employees in Kerala.
What is happening to the attitude of our Employment Seekers? Can we do something? Can we make our youth Employable?