Sunday, October 21, 2018

Self Transformation and what it can do for you !

My  transformation pictures: year 2007 and 2018.
Year 2017 

The change from a housewife with no job and with too much of household responsibilities to someone who is now at center stage globally.

Yes, External change is evident. But what's more important is what happens inside, right!  And I think the past ten years that's more significant for me than these external changes like haircut,  make over or the weight reduction.
I have transformed into an independent woman who have her own perspectives about life and how to live..not just living on what society expects you to be. I placed education, continuous learning and my career over anything else. I also kept knowing more about myself..Experimenting with all my skills..fighting for my rights when denied.. And evolving into what I always wanted to be...The better version of myself every year. By doing this, I am providing better perspectives to my kids as well. And I guess I bring value to every conversation that I engage in.

And guess what : All this happened only when I started to love myself and placed my interests above all the chains. And it was not easy. It hurt many times.It gave me feelings of guilt, it gave me troubles, violence and rejections. It also meant that I lost my tag of a nice family girl ! I But I stood for my dreams. :)

And Guess what that did. Today I am at a coveted forum as the chosen one from India. I could have chosen the comfort zone or the cribbing zone. But  I chose the hardwork and persistence zone.

And  once you decide, Just go ahead !
#Feminism #GoAhead #Ladies

 😎😃#CeeVee #Selflove  #bragging

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Top 10 Reasons why women quit career after having kids

Top 10 Reasons why women quit career after having kids : ( in no specific order)

1. No Maid at home ( leading to twice the work with nil/ nominal support from others, which is physically draining )

2. Sick in-laws /parents at home ( due to lack of quality healthcare facilities and societal expectations of a "caring daughter /daughter in law". I remember a lady telling me that her mother in law lets her daughter to go for work and creates trouble when it comes to daughter  in law! She wants her daughter in law to take care of her including heating water for bathing )

3. Don't get alternate  quality childcare facilities at affordable prices. ( Most pvt run child care centers charge exhorbitant fees )

4.  Husband doesn't/ can't take leave when child is sick  ( oh well, his work is very important !)

5. Safety concerns of the caretaker  ( newspapers reporting sexual abuse by caretakers )

6. Non-flexible work nature ( employers don't have a system by which they can allow such women to work from home incase needed)

7. Guilt feeling ( "Oh, look at her.. She is too selfish.She doesn't care for her child / in laws/ parents ".... "Isn't it my responsibility to take care of my child? " )

8. Lack of Skills /confidence  ( qualification may be big.But are our educational institutions providing the right skills? )

9. Low pay ( which becomes a mockery among family  members and leads to saying, " You don't have to work for this small pay." This is a viscious cycle because, this leads to a bigger career break and they end up quitting career)

10. Cooking and household chores for managing a Palatial house.  ( A big house,  immense materials, fear of theft by maid,  lavish cooking style etc)


Pic:Some of our C2C Fellows who are getting coached on the above challenges and are now getting back to career.

Friday, October 12, 2018

The Beauty Lover in me

The heard voices or the unsung melodies ?

The cry of a new born or the  unborn in the womb ?
The ingenious art that is exhibited or the artist's mind ?
The words  expressed or the unspoken conversations with loved one ?
The visible charm of a damsel or her hidden curves ?
The noisy mettle of a warrior or the deep valor in a lad ?
The awestruck lover in me always chose the unspoken and the unheard ...
For they give me the intoxication called Love !

12/Oct /2018

Monday, October 8, 2018

The Fear of Unknown

The Fear of Unknown..

Rains, winds, and storms  in my mind.. 
clouded by vulnerability and fears
Is it just Monday blues? 
or is it a sign of a looming  danger ?  
The woman in me shivers for no reason
As if a leaf dwindling hard to detach from its twig and just fly away. 
Knowing that the flight could mean death.
As if the waning moon just fighting for its vigour 
Knowing that it doesn't have illumination of its own 

The woman in me shivers for no reason
 Knowing that with every breath we are nearing death.

Is it a longing ? Is it despair?  Is it pessimism   ?
All I know is that, the woman in me shivers for no reason. 
And that reason has no life in the sea of emotions . 


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